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Post #139 by Wabbit on February 20th 2015, 3:27 PM (in topic “Is this APP being supported any Further? It seems great but the most important map function is broken.”)


Is this APP being supported any Further? It seems great but the most important map function is broken.:

Adi said


I would like to address a couple of issues that I encountered by starting to use this excellent app.

First: (and very important for me) No way to manually input fish species. This is crucial option for somebody fishing freshwater in South Florida, which is home for large number of non-native species.

Second: No edit/delete option for the Fish log in mobile app. (need to use My Fishing Hole from web)

Third: Photos not uploading correctly from mobile app. If you upload photo from web page it seems to be OK on the web, but if you select photo from mobile app you will get only white screen.

Fourth: Unit Conversion from US to metric is incorrect. Entry of 5 lb. in my fish log is converted as 4 kg 679.59 g (should be 2kg and 268g). Length Conversion is correct.

Fifth: Length should be kept in inches and not converted in the foot

Otherwise I really like this app. With couple of fixes could become “Swiss Army knife” app for anglers.


I too, am very interested in these suggested changes.  I would like to add a suggestion to be able to SEARCH for a Fish species by Typing in the name .. lots of fish in the world.

Also, when I looked was not able to find Atlantic Striped Bass.
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Post #139

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