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Post #369 by Brad Bloch on November 14th 2015, 2:58 PM (in topic “All Things Fishy”)


All Things Fishy

This forum is for all things fishy: techniques, lures, bait, favorite fish to catch, favorite fish to eat, etc.
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Post #369

Post #7 by Brad Bloch on January 25th 2014, 4:53 PM (in topic “Zinc's”)



The longevity of a sacrificial anode is a function of its weight. The amount of protection it provides depends on its surface area. When a zinc lasts less than a year, you need one with more weight. If the protected metal shows signs of corrosion despite the zinc, you need more surface area.

Check all anodes at least annually; if half (or more) of an anode has been lost to corrosion, replace it. Don't forget to check the zinc pencil inside your engine's heat exchanger; you will find it (or not) under a brass plug in the exchanger.

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Post #7

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